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Rock Sculptor

The Artist EXPOSES his work for sale

at his home in Punaauia

all year round.

On Reservation Only.

2012 Creations

Thank you for your interest in my work.   Here are most of the pieces that I have created in the past years.   Some are small and were for the most part exposed in december of each year at the Cultural Center in Papeete (Tahiti), others were sent internationally, and others too big to be exposed are at their new owner's place here or around the world.





About Teva Victor's Sculptures

« Art exists at the minute where the artist takes a distance from nature », says Jean Cocteau.  And yet, the Art pieces of Teva Victor really seem to be a powerful surge to come back to this nature, sensing it, making it visible.  The spirit of the sculptor seems to penetrate the bare nature of the rock and sensing the soul that animats it.
From his childhood, on a little island in the lagoon of Bora Bora, Teva Victor inherited this profound respect for the environment.
And thus, for the sculptor, the idea is to make the face that already exists in its heart, apear.  For this, he fuses with it and generaly only puts visible just one piece of the face.  The original rough part of the rock always has its place in the art pieces of Teva Victor, like if to  signify the imuable greatness of nature and, at the same time, the humility of the artist that only sees in his work a sign of the human passage, ephemeral and full of respect.  The art piece percieves thus like the answer from a subtil dialogue between the man and the Universe.
These expressive faces, with their changing textures, give the sensation that the rock is inhabited: animism isn't far.  But they also appear like a miror for he who looks at them and who can see the reflexion of the complexity of the human being.  Multifaceted faces, where the smooth plays with the rough in order to create an impalpable essence, Teva Victor is indeed talking about us.
And the need to touch them that arouses seem like an invitation to reestablish that link with the other and nature.


Catherine Delamaire

An Art Exhibit you can't miss.  I am not a great artist in spirit but I really found very beautiful, and veyry expressive the little I have seen.
From any comon rock, he gives birth to a face, an expression that we never get bored to admire and apreciate.
He doesn't go as to "give life" to it, but transforms the vulgar in beauty.
Whooey!!! Amazing.
So, lets not miss this opportunity to reconcile with creativity and beauty.



Alain (internaute)

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